Delivery Information

Pay attention to the product listings.  Some listings can be shipped, but others will require pickup or delivery, and you should know what you're getting when you buy.

Be careful when you mix items to be picked-up in person with items to be shipped into a single purchase.  They can be mixed together, and the system will be happy to let you do that, but you may end up paying slightly more for shipping since shipping is  dealt with per-order not per-item.  This is not an ideal setup, but it may be something that we can improve later.

The only way to be completely clear about it for now is to just not have both in the same purchase.

Some purchases are to be picked-up from the seller at the time and location specified in the listing; if, after making a purchase, you are unable to pick it up at the time and location specified in the listing, please contact the seller directly to see if they can make some accomodation.